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03.21.18 - 4:15 a.m.

I lay there and wonder what it would be like to hold certain people in my arms. One arm around their stomach, the other arm searching for a comfortable position that doesn't cut off blood circulation. I am the least experienced in my peer group when it comes to arm placement when cuddling. I couldn't fall asleep like that. I generate too much body heat, and combined with the heat of another person, I'd lay there wide awake for the entire night. I have laid there for an entire night. How do couples slumber with each other? Is it considered rude to not want to clutch a significant other in bed for an entire night? I'm all over the place when I sleep. I'm flipping pillows, adjusting covers, rolling from one side of the bed to the other, doing anything to regulate temperature. I've only come across one other person casually discuss this exact topic and have similar thoughts. I feel like I'm the outlier in the data set, but I'm not completely sure. I feel like spooning while sleeping is a fantasy sold to us through tv commercials for mattresses, and they hooked me. I want it so bad, no matter how impractical it might be.


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